Commission Artwork by Katrina Lund

My commission projects have ranged from menu guide covers and surprise wedding gifts to collaborations with national parks and government agencies. You can view some of my recent work below.


“The Recycled Garden” sign. The local chapter of the Native Plant Society has been saving plants from construction sites and transplanting them to their new home at the Moab Recycling Center. I’m a plant geek at heart and was honored they’d ask me to make their sign. It was a fun challenge for me to learn how to paint big! 3’ x 4’.


Final_Moab Menu Guide 2019 - Cover 2019.jpg

I’m very honored to have my art on the cover of the 2019 Moab Menu Guide. Their only two requirements were that it had to remind people of food and Moab (ppst...can you spot the “flying saucer”?). It was a fun project. Thank you, Theresa King and the Moab Happenings!



“Echo Park Reservoir”. For Dinosaur National Monument, I was commissioned to do an “artist’s rendition” of a reservoir that would be there now if the Sierra Club had not fought to save Dinosaur from being dammed in the 1950’s. I love projects that combine art and science. You can find this at the Echo Park wayside exhibit along the Harpers Corner road in Dinosaur National Monument.

Yet Another Beautiful Day. Private Collection. 18” x 58”. Pen & ink and watercolor.

Castleton Tower. Private collection. 18” x 24”. Watercolor.

Washer Woman. Private collection. 20” x 24”. Watercolor.

Monitor & Merrimac Buttes. Private collection. 12” x 36”. Watercolor.

The First One — Endangered Colorado Pike Minnow (historically 6 ft long!), on park bench at Split Mountain boat ramp in Dinosaur National Monument, Utah. Acrylic on steel. This fish was stolen after three weeks! So I had to make another one. I’ve always wondered where it ended up. Over a fireplace somewhere? In a garage??


The Second One — after the first fish I painted was stolen, this was the second one I painted for Dinosaur National Monument. You may notice the fish is heading the other direction— downstream this time!


This commission was a board game designed specifically for the Pikes Peak chapter of Trout Unlimited. The Greenback cutthroat trout has a pretty cool story. They thought it was once extinct, but then a technician caught a fish he had never seen before. They were able to do a DNA test from an old taxidermy specimen. They discovered it was the long lost Greenback strain of cutthroat and they have brought this fish back to viable populations!